Monday, January 23, 2012

a day well spent.

Today, my dear friend David asked me a really good question that he needed help with. It took me some time to put together my thoughts for a clear answer.
He had been thinking about the fact that we have such a limited and unknown amount of time on this Earth. As Christians, or simply just as any individual, we desire to make the most of our time. But what he was wondering was "how do we know when we've used a specific amount of time (a day for example) adequately?"
It made me think! And I thought it was so awesome how he had this deep question on his mind. It also meant a lot that he came to me in hopes that I could help him figure it out possibly. As a follower of Jesus though, when I was thinking about it, it really isn't that difficult to answer. So I answered back to him: "My answer would be when you can look back on a day and say with your whole heart that it glorified God. Especially when you're walking through a day with Him, in close communication with Him. And then everything else becomes more lovely, like the conversations you have with the ones you love, or listening to music, or going for a walk. If you've spent the day well and used it to glorify God, that's how you know it's been spent in the best way."
I was really glad I could help him figure it out, but even more so, I was extremely glad that he brought the thought to my mind to be meditating on. It truly is important to be spending my days well instead of wasting away precious time God has given me. And how often I go through my days not really walking with the Lord or even thinking about Him as much as I should be. I think so many have this opinion that a day worth something is a busy, packed day filled with this and that. But even the simplest of days can be worth the most.

I'm really grateful to have friends who inspire me to go deeper and think deeper as well.
Thanks, David!

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