This past week was super fun and special. On Sunday, I went to the play "Lost and Found" at Trinity Presbyterian. I met a sweet friend Nicole at the church so we could sit next to each other during the show. It was really nice just talking with her in between and catching up a bit on what's been new in her life lately.
On Monday, Nathan and I went to the Orange Circle for lunch at Cafe Lucca! It was so fun and really good. We got gelato after our lunch and sat outside in front of the cafe. Nicole met us there and we had fun talking and walking around the circle, though almost every store we wanted to visit was closed...but it really was a fantastic day. I was pleasantly surprised with a little red teapot I wanted as well. Thanks to Nathan, I have been enjoying it everyday when I read and have tea. :)
And just to make the week even better, I got to meet up with my dear friend Elizabeth at Peet's Coffee and Tea for some catch-up time. SO nice seeing her again, and I am so grateful these Thursday tea dates are happening every week. A lot of stuff can happen from one Thursday to another :) I know that her and I are going to be best friends forever. And she has been such a blessing to me by her constant encouragement and thoughtful phone calls when she knows I'm struggling.
I am really thankful that this week has been loads better than the last week...I'm trying my best to read my Bible on a regular, daily basis and I really think that's making a big impact on my attitude towards things. As I get into my Bible though, it truly is amazing how conviction comes into play. When I spend time with the Lord I realize just how far away I've gotten from the relationship. I'm looking forward to more reading and growth this month.
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