Friday, December 23, 2011

Almost two months since my last post?!

Oh dear. Time flies by so quickly...I'm constantly reminded of it, but seeing that my last post was October 27th is quite scary.
What makes me sad though is how many fun and interesting things have happened in those 2 months since I last posted, that I have failed to include on here. Maybe I'll be doing some late blog writing about everything wonderful in December.
But, it really has been a great month. Some hard things were thrown in for sure. Overall, I was just reminded almost everyday just how blessed I am. It seems to be happening more and more lately when I get these overwhelming moments of emotion that I can't seem to handle. Thankfully, it's in a good way. I will literally be in the midst of something that is a regular day to day thing and then suddenly I just start crying because I feel the tremendous amount of God's grace on my life. Sometimes it's in the stillness and other times it's thrown into a really busy day.

Experiencing such amazing moments as these, I am left with a grateful heart. I'm grateful because I really have never experienced these times so frequently before. And I think it's come through prayer. Just trying to give everything to Him and be thankful for the little blessings that He bestows upon me and my family. He's been so faithful. And I am falling in love with God because of that very thing; His abundant love and unchanging character is something to be treasured. It's something I haven't treasured enough in my life for a long time.

So my eyes have been opened to a lot this month. Primarily, God has just shown me how gracious He is and continues to be. Also, He's made me more aware of how I need to change. There are those big things in my heart that need major improvement...but they're not too big for Him to change. That's exciting!

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