Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Warm Cobbler and a Cup of Tea.

So, yesterday was Presidents day, although it didn't feel like a holiday to me.
Do you ever have those Mondays where you do not want to do ANYTHING- whatsoever?
That was my Monday yesterday. And I am trying to overcome that laziness of mine...and become much more motivated.
After I did a little work yesterday, I decided to bake something yummy. I didn't know what I could make, until I remembered that we had pears in the fridge. So I thought, okay- I can make something with pears and I was thinking something like a tart.
I couldn't find a good recipe for a pear tart so I searched for just anything baked made with pears. I found this interesting cobbler recipe from one of my favorite cook's, Ina Garten (Barefoot Contessa) and decided I would give it a try and make it in a small batch.
Oh my goodness, it was amazing! I have always loved apple cobbler but there was just something special added with the pear taste. And this recipe is extremely easy. I loved the smell of warm cinnamon, sugar, and nutmeg. It's recipes like this that remind me of Autumn. I think that is just one major reason why it is my favorite time of the year. :)
I hope you guys had a good holiday/day off!! Mine was pretty relaxing, which was nice.
I'm excited also to see that it is raining outside. I really can not believe how much rain we have been getting this winter, in only the past few weeks. Well, I am off to help my sister pick out a cute outfit for the concert she is going to tonight with friends. She is super excited and I know she will have a fun time :)

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