Well, I oddly do not have much to blog about. Although I have had a really nice week so far.
Yesterday, I visited my high school campus to attend an Earth science support class. I met up with some friends and we tried to help one another out. The classes are all brand new, so we are trying to get the hang of this science class that has "home labs." We were pretty much struggling to understand what the teacher was wanting us to do with this home lab and science notebook and such. She seemed to make the situation even more confusing for the 3 of us. She is a fairly new teacher and you could say she is a little different. She leads the EAC(Environmental Awareness Club) at our school and is VERY hyper. Anyways... we had some good laughs trying to work through our misunderstandings of this assignment. It just reminded me how much I love good company. There is truly nothing like friends. Especially ones who make you laugh and put a smile on your face. I am really blessed with special people in my life. And I'm not really stressing about the science class. :)
Today I spent some time with my mom at Cost Plus World Market. I LOVE this place! And I always find neat trinkets and things there. My favorite is their tea selection and just the fun foreign stuff they have.
Then we went to Urban Outfitters for a bit with my sister. We actually spent about 2 hours I think. They have such cute things and it's fun to go through the sale racks.
And on our way home we stopped by Del Taco and I had some french fries. Which were okay, but a little too crispy. haha.
Oh... I also went to Target and got some Valentine Dot candy. Have you tried the season's dots? They are so good!
I hope you are having a great week full of little blessings. I know for me, having a low-key week
can actually be really enjoyable. :)
Now time for bed.
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