Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Alyssa, the hobbit.

So it struck me this morning while I was getting ready for the day, after I had finished my breakfast & enjoyed a cup of tea, that I am just like Bilbo Baggins from the Hobbit.

I say this because lately my head has been in the clouds over venturing away from my humble abode to the woods of Massachusetts for a whole new season of life, full of adventure indeed. My heart has been full of sentiment over leaving my day to day routine here for the unknown way over there. The people I love here, the relaxation of summer days, & of course, my two sweet little kitty cats I just adore. My bed is warm & my room is all mine. Everything that surrounds me here is familiar, & even though I might not acknowledge it every day, everything that surrounds me here is quite beautiful.

Now I'll be off in less than 3 weeks to begin an entirely fresh chapter. Little familiarity, few people I know, busy weekdays packed with lectures & books galore, &...no kitty cats to nestle beside me. This all probably seems so silly & small but really, for me, a home body wanna be adventurer, it's a big deal.

The thing that has also been prevalent in my heart though is the realization that I need to be thankful for having these blessings that are worth missing. Feeling this immense sensation of bittersweet emotion means that I have been showered with beautiful things from above that make this place home. It is a place of warmth & security. & yet, it's my time to get up & head off. I have moments of solitude where I think to myself, "I can't leave...I love this place. Why did I make such a decision?" & in the midst of that I feel this pull on my heart that reminds me of what is temporary & what is permanent.

So, you're right, I'm not exactly like Bilbo Baggins but kinda! A little person who adores the security of home, good books, warm cups of tea, & comfy chairs. Most likely he had kitties too, Tolkien just left that detail out, I'm sure ;) Anyway...just like Mr. Baggins, it's time for me to leave my "hobbit hole" & get on my way to a different land...Massachusetts. Thankfully I don't have to worry about creepy monsters or big scary dragons but there will naturally be hiccups along the way while I transition. But it's all apart of the experience. I am happy to add that I have a beautiful, sweet roommate to share the year with! God is so good. So I am trusting that all I have been given here will remain safe & sound while I am away. I just need to go & have faith.

“Then something Tookish woke up inside him, and he wished to go and see the great mountains, and hear the pine-trees and the waterfalls, and explore the caves, and wear a sword instead of a walking-stick.” 

― J.R.R. TolkienThe Hobbit

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Quiet City.

Not only does this gem of a video have one of my favorite songs by Arvo Part, but the cinematography of Paris is breathtaking.
You must watch.


Friday, April 19, 2013

Building a well.

Okay so it has been too long since I last blogged...I was sitting on the couch yesterday morning just thinking about life & realized how I have abandoned my blog for too long yet again.

It's not that I have an incredible life just filled with excitement 24/7, but I regret not documenting this year's happenings because I am a firm believer that every little bit counts. This school year will soon be coming to a close & as I look back on it I think the biggest thing I learned is that God is in the small things just as much as the big things.

Perhaps I wrote about this on here before, but when i was talking to my dad about the differences of this school year compared to the previous, he used a really beautiful metaphor of building a well. He encouraged me by explaining that what God has taught me in this year can be stored and used for my next year, as I begin college. I know for certain that next year is going to be nothing like this one & I truly believe that what God has taught me this year through painful & beautiful moments will be handy next year. Being across the country, meeting new people, learning new things, exploring eclectic cities and places will all require an open heart and mind but also a heart that is full. Because if my heart is full of lessons learned and a deeper knowledge of God it will make all of those things so much richer.

"Building a deeper well" in our lives really should be an ongoing mission. The deeper it is, the more we can draw out to give to others & give back to God. Spending time with beloved friends & family, reading beautiful books, serving others even if I might not feel like it at the time & striving to learn whatever God is trying to teach me have all been some of the greatest character builders. Life is much better when lived outside of your comfort zone. I am grateful for what God is in the midst of building.

"For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God." Hebrews 3:4

Sunday, February 3, 2013

a beautiful birthday.

Yesterday was my wonderful friends birthday celebration. It was absolutely beautiful & reconnecting with old friends was lovely as well. It is so crazy to think that I have known this girl since 1st grade & have stayed close through the different seasons of our lives. Now we will soon be off to different colleges & even though we will be far, I have no doubt our friendship will last & only get better with age.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Psalm 63:3-4

"Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.
So I will bless you as long as I live; in your name I will lift up my hands."

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


(Picked up this Massachusetts picture for my dorm. For now, it's decorating my bedside table.)

So far, this week has been a good one. Well, minus Monday. Monday was great at first & then it seemed to get kinda poopy later. & really for no reason...I don't know about you, but do you ever put way too much pressure on yourself? Maybe I just have that problem. It's a stressful one! But if you happen to share this struggle, I hope you have a great sister (or sibling) & a best friend to help pull you through & get to you back to normal, like I have. I'm so grateful I do.

Yesterday was a good day & what made it even better was a surprise coffee date with my dear friend, Elizabeth. We're kinda hooked on going to Lost Bean because they just added on a beautiful new room. It's quaint & perfect for long conversations.

What made yesterday particularly special though was hearing the wonderful news that my cousin Kari & her husband are pregnant with a sweet little girl! She is arriving in June & my family just can't wait to meet her. We already have goodies for her & she is going to be one spoiled child. Her parents will probably be the coolest around. I hope to see her as much as I can when I'm in Massachusetts!

Last night & today I have been so encouraged by the thought that God makes all things new. Not only does He make us new if we are willing to submit to his will, but He gives us renewed hearts filled with new passions & goals. Passions & goals that are clearly placed there by God because they are far more incredible than what you & I would think up for ourselves. & as you continue going about your life pursuing these big dreams, God takes you to new places that also bring about new surroundings, friends, lessons. & your life feels so much more richer and satisfying because you are following after what God has established for your life. I really love that thought. He is a personal Savior who wants to take you places. He knows how to make your life exciting. I always say that He is unexpected too because He throws in all sorts of surprises along the way, sometimes great, sometimes a little hard. But it's all part of the adventure.

Maybe the word "new" seems so prevalent in my brain because of the rainy weather we just had. Or maybe it's because Spring is on its way. Or the creation of a new life that will soon be a part of my family. Or the fact that I will be living in a new state just 6 months from now...

I think we all can look around & find the areas where God is bringing in the new. I promise you won't be bored if you take the time to do so.

Sunday, January 20, 2013